Thursday, January 28, 2010

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By Lilliana Haley

Are you a lover who has found themselves the victim of a broken relationship and now you keep asking yourself: Is it possible to make my ex desire me again? People tend to find themselves trying to find ways to get their ex back and repair their relationship.

There is nothing absolutely wrong with wanting to get your ex back; however when you allow yourself to stress about the situation then it can be terrible. People who become stressed about the situation will usually find themselves doing something embarrassing such as stalking their ex.

It is terrible isn't it? Nothing is more upsetting tha! n letting your ex watch you lose control chances are they will not take you back anyway.

So instead of going that route, it would be best to relax, chill out, and have some fun.

Yes, a counter-intuitive approach to what you feel is exactly the solution to your question which is how to make my ex desire me. By temporarily allowing yourself to forget him, you start becoming mature plus you actually make him miss you.

When you begin to show your ex that you really do not need them then they will begin to become interested in you and they may even begin to pursue you.

It is important that you begin doing things that you love with your free time. In fact why not consider going camping with your friends. As you begin doing these types of activities and keeping yourself busy; then you will not notice how sad you are because you are apart and eventually your ex may try contacting you.

Visit the site below for some va! luable tips and advice that is guaranteed to help you get your! ex back .

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

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By Dorthy Weatherbush

Men are you annoyed with hearing about how flat your stomach once was and how you can barely see your feet underneath it? If so, I want to let you know that all that can change. I can show you how to get rid of your beer belly, and what's better, without giving up the beer! But let's first discuss what a beer belly really is and what causes it.

Let us first define what a beer belly is. By definition, a beer belly is an area of fat that is positioned between your chest and your waist, or what used to be your waist. Now, is it cause by beer? The surprising answer is no. Science has proven that beer bell! ies are caused by calories that haven't been burned up by your body that get deposited to that section of your body. Why is it deposited there? Men are genetically dispositioned to deposit the greatest amount of their fat in their stomach area.

Now you know where the beer belly or should I say the hot wings belly comes from, next you have to decide what you are willing to do to reverse the curse. You can start by working on those fat cells that are spreading themselves on your stomach. Beer is not the direct cause of your waistline expanding, but it can be a factor. Alcohol makes you hungry, think Hot wings and Beer at Hooters (I mean the food is why you go, right?), so if you stopped drinking youd be taking a good step towards cutting down your calorie intake.

Cut the beer and you cut the increased appetite, but since this article is about How to Get Rid of the Beer Belly without Giving Up Beer, I wont try to convince you to stop. But you need ! to switch to either a beer with fewer calories or exercise mor! e than y ou drink to balance out the increased calories. Exercising more than you drink sounds too much like hard work, so well skip that too and just focus on reducing the amount of calories taken in by looking at the best beers for your waist.

The first thing that probably comes to mind when you think of low calorie beer is the light beers that don't taste very good. This article was written for real men who would never dream of drinking one of those girly light beers.

First on the list is a nice and dark Guiness Draught, with 125 calories and 10 carbohydrates; this is no light beer but it is low on calories and you don't have to drink tons of them to make up for a lack in taste. Second on the list is Beamish Irish Stout, with 131 calories and it's still full of flavor all while making your waist happy. Third on the list is Busch, with 133 calories and about 10 carbohydrates. So drink responsibly and get rid of that belly!

Now you know what! you can do to get rid of that beer belly without getting rid of the beer. As a matter of fact, the next time your wife or girlfriend or your mother tells you to get from in front of the television and lose some weight, go to the fridge, grab yourself a cold one and tell her you're working on it right now!

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

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By Pate Wilkins

Proactive prospecting can be much like physically exercising regularly. It's something that you know is good for you and will produce predictable positive results, yet is something that most sales people always seem to avoid!

We need to have a starting point. Begin by blocking o! ut one or two hours per day to prospect. Yes, we have put it off long enough. Start by using your sphere of influence to prospect. Prospecting, like anything will require commitment and discipline. This time is yours and you are important. Once you start you will feel more important and this will be a positive projection of your attitude when you talk with your sphere of influence.

Have a specific message. Everyone needs to hear the latest news of markets conditions in your area. It's likely that they have some misinformation and you can become the expert to help them get a more accurate picture.

Sales have always been a "numbers" game. You want to touch as many people as possible. Defining your target market and being organized will help you obtain your goals.

Before you start prospecting, gather a list of names so you don't spend valuable time you are using for prospecting. Get an idea of how many customers you plan to call in your a! llotted hour or two and have at least a one month supply of na! mes.

Work in a private and quiet area so there are no disruptions. Do not answer calls from other clients or colleagues. Believe me, they will wait an hour or two for you to call them back. Remember, this is your time and will put you on the path to success. Get in the habit of doing this daily or at least every other day. As time progresses and with each call, your expertise will increase. The more we practice anything, the better we become.

Consider prospecting during off peak hours when conventional prospecting times don't work. Some of your best work will be done between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM, between 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM, and between 5:00 PM and 6:30 PM. Vary your call times. We are all creatures of habit. So are your prospects. In all likelihood, they are attending the same meeting each Monday at 10:00 AM (or whatever time you can't seem to connect with them). If you cannot get through at this time, call this particular person in your sphere of influenc! e at other times during the day or on other days.

Don't stop. Persistence is one of the key virtues in selling success. Most sales/valuable contacts are made after the fifth call, and most sales people quit after the first.

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By L.J. James

A few weeks back I received an email from a girl Kim about a Charity Motorcycle event she was working on for Bide A Wee an Animal shelter I worked at when I was younger. As I read the info I was looking forward to attending the event only to find it was being held at Jugs and Strokers the o! nly "Biker Bar" on Long Island that does not allow Motorcycle Club Colors. I was pissed to find out I would not be welcome at this event. I then saw the email had been sent out to many other Motorcycle Clubs on Long Island. Pissed Off, I started writing a reply to the email and sent it out to the MC's here on Long Island. Here is what I wrote.

Hey everyone this is LJ James.

You may not know this but I worked at Bide A Wee in Wantagh for many years. I have some great memories of my time working there. As much as I love the place and think Bide A Wee to be a truly great organization, I will not take off my Colors to go inside Jugs & Strokers to attend this event.

I see this email is addressed to many different Clubs. Some of your beliefs may be different then mine and you may take your Colors off to attend this event. I would hope all of you have more respect for your Club then to do that, but these are my beliefs and may not be yours.
I think it is only fair to Kim who is working very! hard fo r this very worthy cause that she know what your feelings are about the Jugs and Strokers policy in regards to Colors. Kim has spent a lot of time working on this event and I would hate to see her event fail because she is unaware of the Revulsion Jugs and Strokers has towards Motorcycle Clubs!!!

Not only is it an old out dated Policy that promotes the Division of Motorcycle Riders, it is also illegal according to NY State Law! I have been working hard to protect and promote Motorcycle Rights and Unity here in NY and world wide. I think it is time We started working hard to change what is wrong here on Long Island! There is an old saying, "if you want to fix the world start in your own back yard".

This is an event that, when I heard about it I wanted to attend. Then I hear it is being held at Jugs and now I am "not allowed to attend".

I am not a bad guy! You all out there know me. How many of your events have I covered in Magazines? How! many of you have I DJed for? Not only your Club events but many of your personal family events! I've even preformed wedding ceremonies for a few of you and after I married you I Djed your wedding!!!

You too are also all good people. Your MCs have done many things to make Long Island a better place. You have fed the Hungry, Clothed the poor, and made sure every Child on Long Island had a Toy for the Holidays. Our patches stand for what is great about America! Why should we be made to feel that wearing our Colors is even the slightest bit wrong?

If you ask Jugs and Strokers, they might try to use the excuse "well its not your group its other groups who are the bad guys". That is a cop out, a lie, and an attempt to divide the Long Island Motorcycle Club world!!!

Over the past few years here on Long Island we have seen a Unity in the Motorcycle Club World that many still can not believe. Sport Bike Clubs and Cruiser Clubs riding and hangi! ng together. AMA Clubs and 1% Clubs attend each others events.! Law Enf orcement Clubs and Outlaw Clubs Breaking Bread and Drinking together at events. I have seen every type of rider hanging out together. This is the Biker dream people!!!

There was a time when we were all told that you could not have a bar on Long Island where all MCs where aloud to mingle together. That there would be nothing but fights and problems. Then JDs Place opened and shortly after that, the Myth was put to rest.

The Motorcycle World here on Long Island has become something We are all very proud of. I call out to all of you MCs, independents, and MROs like ABATE, it is time to end the humiliating practice that Jugs and Strokers has been aloud to inflict upon the Long Island Motorcycle World for far too long!!!

I am tired of this bar being allowed to claim it is a biker bar for bikers, but if your a member of a Motorcycle Club and wear your Colors, you are some how an undesirable, and unwelcome. I say time is up, Jugs and Stokers! ! You have made enough money off the Long Island Motorcycle world! You need to stop being part of the Problem and become part of the Solution!!!

I'm interested to know what the feelings are of the rest of you!!!

(Because of this reply, Shortly after I wrote this the event was switched to another Long Island Biker Bar "Sick Moon Saloon" That welcomes all who Ride)

LJ James Proud Member Mortal Skulls MC

Discrimination On The Basis Of Clothing Or Club Membership Is ILLEGAL Article I, Section 11 of the New York State Constitution states "that no person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws of this state or any subdivision thereof." Article 4, Section 40 of the Civil Rights Law provides that "all persons within the jurisdiction of this state shall be entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges of any places of public accommodations, resort or amusement subject! only to the conditions and limitations established by law and! applica ble alike to all persons." The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that individuals have the constitutional right under the First Amendment to wear clothing which displays writing or designs. Cohen v. California, 403 US 15 (1971). In addition, the right of an individual to freedom of association has long been recognized and protected by the United States Supreme Court. Thus, a person's right to wear the clothing of his choice, as well as his right to belong to any club or organization his choice is constitutionally protected, and persons or establishments who discriminate on the basis of clothing or club membership are subject to a lawsuit.

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Ah, the "good old days". If you are a baby boomer, like me, then you probably remember how important it was to rush to the bank on payday. You had to get there before the teller lanes closed so that you could have your "cash allowance" for! the week. Otherwise, if you needed cash you had to write a check, then go to the bank, and "cash" the check for real cash.

Fortunately the days of the mad rush to get cash from the bank are long gone. We now enjoy the convenience of using a nearby automatic teller machine (ATM) or you can even get "cash back" at your local grocery, hardware or convenience store.

The card you use at the ATM is known as a debit card. When debit cards first appeared it was easy to tell them apart from credit cards. Debit cards didn''t have a credit card company logo on them; instead, they usually just had your bank name, your account number and your name.

Today debit cards look exactly like credit cards even carrying the same logos. Both types of cards can be swiped at the checkout counter , used to make purchases on the internet, or to pay for the fill-up at the gas pump.

When you use your debit card to make a purchase, it''s just like! using cash. The account that is attached to your debit card, ! in most cases your checking account, is automatically debited when you use your debit card. The cost of your purchase is deducted from the funds you have in that account.

On the other hand, when you use your credit card to make a purchase you are using someone''s else''s money, specifically the issuer of the credit card, usually a banking institution.

In effect, you agree to pay them back the money you borrowed to make your purchase. In addition you will also pay interest on the money "loaned" to you at the rate which you agreed to when you applied for their credit card. This is known as the annual percentage rate (APR).

While the two cards might act and look alike, the levels of consumer protection that each type of card provides can be different.

Under federal law, if someone steals your credit card you''re only responsible to pay the first $50 of unauthorized charges. However, if you notify the credit card issuer before a thief is able to! make any charges you may be free from all liability. If the credit card is not physically present when an unauthorized or fraudulent purchase is made, such as over the internet, you''re also free from liability for those charges.

MasterCard and Visa offer zero-liability protection where you won''t pay any charges if someone uses your credit card to make an unauthorized purchase.

The protection offered to debit card fraud is similar but with a few exceptions. For example, your liability under federal law is limited to $50, the same as for a credit card, but only if you notify the issuer within two business days of discovering the card''s loss or theft. Your liability for debit card fraud can jump up to $500 if you don''t report the loss or theft within two business days.

And if you are the type of person that gives a passing glance to your monthly bank statement, you could be totally liable for any fraudulent debit card charges if you wait 60 days or! more from the time your statement is mailed.

Visa and! MasterC ard zero-liability protection applies to your debit card but only for transactions that do not involve the use of your PIN (personal identification number).

Additional protection against fraudulent use of your credit or debit cards may be available through your homeowner''s or renter''s insurance. Check your policy or with your agent for more information about your coverage.

Also be aware that you should contact your card issuer by certified letter, return receipt requested, after you''ve contacted them by phone to protect your consumer rights.

As for which card to use for what type of purchase, most experts agree that you should use your debit card for the same type of purchases you''d make as if you were using cash. Therefore, it makes more sense to use your debit card than your credit card at the grocery store or gas station (provided you have sufficient funds to cover these purchases of course).

Avoid using your debit card for any online p! urchase or for something which is expensive. Why ? You''ll find it much easier to dispute a charge when you use your credit card. If your gold-plated, limited edition, hip-swinging Elvis wall clock arrives broken, your credit card company will remove the charge until the problem is resolved.

With your debit card you are stuck dealing with the merchant directly to resolve any problems with a purchase, even if your banking institution could really use a gold-plated, limited edition, hip-swinging Elvis wall clock of their very own.

© 2004,
Author: James H. Dimmitt.
James is editor of "TO YOUR CREDIT", a weekly free newsletter. Subscribe to the newsletter by visiting', 127, 'Debit Card vs. Credit Card, What Are The Differen! ces ?, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Cred! it, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'Debit Card vs. Credit Card, What Are The Differences ? plus articles and information on Credit'

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